Table of Contents

Embedded Sensors


Strain Gauges (SG) sensors and Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) measuring Chloride Ions (CI) were cast into the concrete slab, columns, shear walls, footings and link bridges at strategic locations during construction of the Broadway Building.

Data cabling was routed back to a centrally located datalogger (DataTaker DT80) located on each instrumented level.


The three-core cable from the SG was connected into the DT80 (see DT8x User Manual p293, R2 - 3-wire resistance inputs). SG's were placed longitudinally and transversally to the building long axis. A series of SG's have been nominated for rain-flow analysis.

The ISE's (reference reading) are wired via 2-core cable to the DT80 (R4 - 2-Wire Independent Resistance Inputs). Additional single-wire electrodes (excite and calibrate readings) were added adjacent to the ISE to allow future potentiometric measurement.

All readings can be calibrated against level 6 sensors (which are located in the middle of the building and considered baseline). A full breakdown of the naming conventions can be found here.

The two sensors output the following readings:

Sensor Locations

Sensors are located in the following places throughout the building concrete construction

Naming Convention

Embedded Sensor Names are in the following format e.g. SG.03SW.92B

or CI.13S.B277L

….you may also find the following name format, rSG.B4SW.201B

Sensors in the Bondek use the following name format SG.03L.187BL

Another rare sensor you may notice is TP.B1S.3
